Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Military

If you are poor and have no options, then you can die. The rich do not serve. Bush was AWOL for his National Guard years working for chickenhawk Republicans who also were pro-war and did not serve. Bush was never prosecuted. His daughters did not serve although we were (and still are) in a state of war.

During the Vietnam years everybody knew that to get out of going to Viet Nam, you either had to do stateside in the National Guard or flee to Canada. Bush chose an arrangement (wink, wink) with the Guard. Kerry could have dodged alltogether but he actually VOLUNTEERED to go into combat and the Republicans made fun of his two Purple Hearts at their convention. Anyone can go dig out the archival video footage if they doubt what millions saw on television. Republicans pro-military? and making fun of Purple Hearts?

Obviously I need a job with the Republican Party so that I can screw the public too.

If you really need a job, then go into the military. They aren't the bad guys. Read the above to find out who the bad guys are.

Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines but maybe not the Coast Guard.

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