If you want some meaning to your holiday, you could do worse than visit Thanks-Giving Square. The site however is marred by paying homage to the b*stard who pardoned Richard Nixon, the man who swore in CFR and other secret speeches to abolish the Constitution. During the Watergate investigation it was discovered that the crook nicknamed Tricky Dick nearly did kill the Bill of Rights. In case you are a diehard Nixon supporter, at least now you have a clue as to why the rest of us despise the man and why his own congregation excommunicated him (Quakers no less). We can be thankful this day that we don't have Nixon to kick around anymore. We can move on to the Antichrist Ronald Wilson Reagan (6 letters, 6 letters, 6 letters) and his divorced Scarlet Woman Nancy Reagan (practiced astrology and other occult things). Did you know he started his presidential campaign in Philadelphia Mississippi to appeal to the Ku Klux Klan? (so that's why black people don't like him!). Or to the worst president in human history (down there with Hitler, Stalin, and Mao in terms of bankrupting a once-rich nation) George Walker Bush Jr. Does Bush Jr count as six letters? Or the president who made sex sexy. Bill. Or president Robin Hood who steals from the poor to give to the rich. Dubya did this to excess but we expected better from Obama before he installed two of the crooks who caused this mess Larry Summers and Timothy Geithner.
Do you see why I hate politics? And why I am thankful this Thanksgiving that "The People" are raising people like Sarah Palin to lead them over a cliff. She denies climate change while glaciers are melting in her own state and Alaska residents on the Arctic Ocean coast are seeing their villages washed out to sea and permafrost is melting. What planet is this woman from?
Oh yeah, before I started ranting and my editor hosed me down with ice water (from Alaska) to cool off my unreasonable hot head, I was supposed to be reviewing Thanks-Giving Square. I'm still not sure how letting US Presidents and Wall Street executives off scot-free while giving a poor man a life sentence for stealing a loaf of bread to feed his family constitutes "healing our wounded nation" but it's yet another double standard.
Thanks-Giving Square
If you are a Republican and prefer something more commercial this holiday (and why not, Republicans worship money), this next site may be more to your liking. It has a nice photo but it is pure links.
So here is the link for Thanksgiving, the site for ALL your Thanksgiving needs. I need a million dollars. Can you provide that?
If I seem cynical, then you must understand that I am practicing for the next holiday. Christmas. Bah humbug! We've all been screwed, I mean, Scrooged.
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