Monday, November 30, 2009

Coming Soon

Having reviewed oddball sites, well-known sites, and obscure Squidoo lenses, I thought I might try reviewing business sites. I am starting an innovative business or two and I will report the ones that turn me down.

Here is my expectation: American venture capital is not interested in funding anything other than Rust Belt fossils and dinosaurs. Years ago, I was talking up electric vehicles and everyone looked at me as if I had three heads. Now everyone at the "cutting edge" is doing something regarding electric vehicles. China has passed the USA is such research. China has passed the USA is wind power installation. The USA let a major solar company and a major wind power company move to Europe. Why even waste time with the USA anymore. I am still the actual cutting edge but I am not stupid enough to put blueprints on this blog. However, I am quite willing to expose the morons who give bonuses to executives who deliberately ram companies into the ground. Isn't a bonus supposed to be conditional and given only for extraordinary good performance? And not automatically given to all executives for being white or male or gentile or from a certain prep school or in a specific age range or some irrelevant criteria? Too bad if you save the company and happen to be female or a member of a minority or Jewish or went to an American public school or are too old or too young.

Will my low expectations of the American investment community be met? Will I be pleasantly surprised? Or will it be worse than I imagined?

Stay tuned.

First stop, AIG. To some the letters stand for Arrogant, Incompetent and Greedy. To others, the I in AIG stands for Immoral. To still others, the I stands for Irrational. And the I means Ignorant to other people.

Whatever your analysis, the government stole from the poor taxpayers and gave to the rich -- as government always does. As it did with all the other bail-outs and corporate welfare. The name is supposed to change and the company is selling off subsidiaries to pay down debt.

Visit the wonderful people of AIG at --

postscript - I did not ask for money. They are an insurance outfit. (Although insurance companies do invest in things)

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