Thursday, October 29, 2009


Exalead once bragged that it would have more pages than Google. Like Godzilla, size matters with search engines. I started using Google for no other reason than because I heard it was huge, meaning lots of pages/sites/et cetera indexed or spidered or whatever they do to access them.

I have not used Exalead much. That may change. Just a few seconds ago I typed in my standard test phrase. I figure if they can find that obscure website that I know exists (because I can go to it by typing in the URL), then they pass the acid test.

Sorry Google. You couldn't find the exact phrase even in the top 25 results. Exalead found my test site as result number three. A really good search engine should find that obscure site as result number one. But after testing a lot of search engines, Exalead rates highest. Congratulations, Exalead --

Postscript -- It should be exalead dot com not with that suffix, Microsoft Search and a few other major search engines used to do that nonsense. That's why MSN Search is now Bing.
Google people, gotta give them credit though. I typed in "" and other bad spellings without a dot or spliced in the wrong place and Google still came up.

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